Trying to trace back exactly why I can't sleep is a little difficult. Sometimes (sometimes often) I awaken in the middle of the night and my heart is racing.
In this case, like a dream, I simply can't remember the exact thought that triggered it.
I'm not "whole". There are times in my life I
feel happy but there is a underlying twisting and discontent. And I know I am not alone.
It was about 5 years ago that I made, what for me, was a big discovery. I found out that the family issues I've faced are not as unique as I thought (or would have hoped.) An encounter with my father lead to an google search and that lead to a book by Eleanor Payson (The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists). Having a name for it changed everything.
For some reason, my intuition tells me that writing about it, will be for me, how I figure it out and hopefully gleam some salvation from it. Ideally I'll be documenting a path for others in similar situations.
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